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Archaeology and History

Photo of Dr Tijl Vanneste

Dr Tijl Vanneste

Honorary Associate Research Fellow


I am mainly interested in the development of international commerce in the early modern period, and consequences regarding globalization, modernity and the forging of identities. I advocate a socio-cultural approach to economic history, and research interests are cross-cultural trading networks, diasporas and global connections of different kinds linking different actors such as merchants and seamen. Wider areas include history of the Mediterranean, Brazilian history and Atlantic history.

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| 2011 | 2006 |


  • Vanneste T. (2011) Global Trade and Commercial Networks: Eighteenth-Century Diamond Merchants, Pickering & Chatto Ltd.


  • Vanneste T. (2006) O diplomata e desenhista Benjamin Mary e as relações da Bélgica com o Império do Brasil, O diplomata e desenhista Benjamin Mary e as relações da Bélgica com o Império do Brasil, Editora Linha Aberta.

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