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Archaeology and History

Photo of Dr Martin Robson

Dr Martin Robson

Senior Lecturer in Strategic Studies, SSI Head of Taught Programmes


Dr Martin Robson (FHEA) is a Senior Lecturer in Strategic Studies. He specialises in the utility of history and strategic theory for contemporary application. His research focuses on the formulation and implementation of British policy and grand strategy. His historical work encompasses numerous aspects of eighteenth and nineteenth century naval and military history in a global context including aspects of seapower, joint operations and economic warfare. His contemporary work focuses upon UK defence debates with particular reference to the South Atlantic and Latin America. Underpinning all his work is an appreciation of wider themes in strategic studies applied to a maritime context. Further themes include the role of the military (army and navy) in formulating policy and the wider role of militaries in conflict and peace.

Dr Robson is the author of numerous books, book chapters and journal articles which reflect his ability to work in both the historical and contemporary strategic fields. Based on his ability to combine history with contemporary strategic studies Dr Robson will be teaching and supervising across a range of subjects encompassing naval and military history, International Security, Strategic Studies and Politics.

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 |







  • Robson M, Till G. (2013) UK Air-Sea integration in Libya, 2011: a successful blueprint for the future?.
  • Robson M. (2013) Sir Arthur Wellesley as a Special Advisor, 1806- 1808, Wellington Studies V.


  • Robson M. (2012) “Strangers, mercenaries, heretics, scoffers, polluters”: Volunteering for the British Auxiliary Legion in Spain, 1835, Transnational Soldiers Foreign Military Enlistment in the Modern Era, Palgrave Macmillan.


  • Robson M. (2010) Britain, Portugal and South America in the Napoleonic Wars Alliances and Diplomacy in Economic Maritime Conflict, I.B.Tauris.


  • Newitt MDD, Robson M. (2004) Lord Beresford and British Intervention in Portugal, 1807-1820.



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External impact and engagement

Contribution to discipline

Series Editor, Corbett Papers. The Corbett Papers develop and promote the understanding and analysis of maritime policy and strategy by acting as a medium for academics and practictioners to publish non-conventional approaches to contemporary issues.

UoE Consultant – working with RAND Europe, DCDC, UK MoD: A Changing Climate: Exploring the Implications of Climate Change for UK Defence and Security  and Climate: Exploring the Implications of Climate Change for UK Defence and Security (2020) and Crisis Response in a Changing Climate: Implications of Climate Change for UK Defence Logistics in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) and Military Aid to the Civil Authorities (MACA) Operations

Peer Reviewer, Research for Parliament: Preparing for a changing world, The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.

Academic Consultant for Oxford University Press, University of Liverpool Press, University of Manchester Press, Routledge 2016 - present

Judging Panellist, The Julian Corbett Prize in Modern Naval History 2015-2018 (Institute of Historical Research)

Academic Consultant, UK Ministry of Defence, UK National Strategy for Maritime Security, 2014

Grant application reviewer, The Wolfson Foundation

Manuscript reviewer, The International History Review


Occasional column for the Huffington Post

Research consultant, ‘Who do you think you are’, Wall to Wall TV for BBC TV, July 2015

‘Studying undergraduate history’, interview with University of Exeter, xpression FM, March 2015

‘First World War letters discovered’, Exeter Express and Echo, Nov 2014

Research consultant, ‘Britain and the Sea’, BBC TV 2013

‘The Battle of Trafalgar: The Untold Story’, June 2010, (Hardy Pictures for Channel 4)

‘Naval Slang and its everyday usage’, November 2008, (interviews with BBC Radio Scotland, BBC Radio Devon)

‘A Ministry of all the Talents: a cautionary tale’ BBC History Magazine, January 2006

‘Maritime studies in the North East’, July 2003, (interview with BBC Radio Newcastle)

‘History of Piracy’, September 2003, (interview with BBC Radio Newcastle)

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Dr Robson has significant experience of civilian and military education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Between 2008 and 2013 he was a Lecturer in the Defence Studies Department at the Joint Services Command and Staff College, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom. He completed his BA and his PhD in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London before serving as an intern at the Maritime Strategic Studies Institute, Ministry of Defence and was then awarded a National Maritime Museum Caird Senior Research Fellowship. During his career he has worked as an advisor to the Royal Navy’s Maritime Warfare Centre, had undertaken research with RAND Corporation, has worked with the MOD’s Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, The Met Office and The National Archives. Between 2015 and 2018 he was a judging panellist for the Julian Corbett Prize in Modern Naval History. He is a Member of the Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies and in 2009 he founded and acted as Series Editor for the policy focused Corbett Papers.

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