Dr Ljubica Spaskovska
Senior Lecturer
University of Exeter
Archaeology and History
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4RJ
I am a Senior Lecturer with research interests in the history of South East Europe, the political and socio-cultural history of internationalism, including development, nonalignment, decolonisation and histories of generations, while providing important new perspectives on the (re) making of anti-imperial Europe and approaches to European-Global South relations. My recent research has been published in the Journal of World History, Contemporary European History, Labor History and Nationalities Papers. I am a member of the Editorial Board (Book Review editor) of Contemporary European History and of The Annals of the Croatian Political Science Association (Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva).
My first monograph The Last Yugoslav Generation: the Rethinking of Youth Politics and Cultures in Late Socialism (Manchester University Press) was published in April 2017. A paperback edition came out in August 2019.
1989. A Global History of Eastern Europe, co-written with my colleagues James Mark, Tobias Rupprecht and Bogdan Iacob to co-incide with the thirtieth anniversary of the 1989 revolutions, was published by Cambridge University Press in September 2019.