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Archaeology and History

Photo of Dr Adrian Oyaneder Rodriguez

Dr Adrian Oyaneder Rodriguez

Research Fellow


Adrián is Research Fellow in Digital Humanities at the Archaeology and History Department. He is an archaeologist with a research interest in South American archaeology, particularly Andean. He has conducted extensive fieldwork in northern Chile, and his research has focused on using geomatics and various technologies to study and digitise archaeological heritage. He is particularly interested in working with indigenous and local communities to develop collaborative research projects. Adrián currently leads a project funded by the Royal Geographical Society with IBG and the European Space Agency focused on the study of the “chacu” hunting mega traps in northern Chile.

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 |


  • Valenzuela D, Cases B, Santoro CM, Leiva P, Clarkson PB, Urrutia F, Oyaneder A. (2021) Neither caravanners nor herders, Caravans in Global Perspective, Routledge, 217-234, DOI:10.4324/9781003229810-12. [PDF]
  • Valenzuela D, Cases B, Santoro C, Leiva P, Clarkson P, Urrutia F, Oyaneder A. (2021) Neither caravanners nor herders Participation by the coastal and lowland peoples in the caravan network of the northern Atacama Desert, Chile, AD 1000–1535, Caravans in Global Perspective: Contexts and Boundaries, Routledge, 217-234.




  • Oyaneder A, Alday C. (2016) Catastro arqueológico del valle de Camarones: Cursos bajo y medio, FONDART.


  • Oyaneder A. (2015) ARQUEOLOGÍA DISTRIBUCIONAL APLICADA AL CURSO BAJO DEL VALLE DE CAMARONES, XIX Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Chilena, Arica, Chile, 1st - 5th Oct 2012, Actas del XIX Congreso Nacionalde Arqueología Chilena, pages 605-612.
  • Sepúlveda M, Alday C, Castillo C, Oyaneder A. (2015) Actas del XIX Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Chilena, octubre 2012, Arica, Chile, Ediciones Universidad de Tarapacá.
  • Sepulveda M, Gutierrez S, Carcamo J, Oyaneder A, Valenzuela D, Montt I, Santoro CM. (2015) IN SITU X-RAY FLUORESCENCE ANALYSIS OF ROCK ART PAINTINGS ALONG THE COAST AND VALLEYS OF THE ATACAMA DESERT, NORTHERN CHILE, JOURNAL OF THE CHILEAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, volume 60, no. 1, pages 2822-2826, DOI:10.4067/S0717-97072015000100010. [PDF]


  • Oyaneder A, Alday C, Sepúlveda M, Valenzuela D. (2013) PINTURAS RUPESTRES Y DESARROLLO CULTURAL COSTERO DEL EXTREMO NORTE DE CHILE, Mundo de Antes, volume 8, pages 179-179.

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Dr Oyaneder completed his BA Hons degree in Social Anthropology with a major in Archaeology at the Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile. After dedicating a few years to conducting research in the North of Chile, he obtained his PhD at the University of Exeter, sponsored by the Becas Chile-ANID doctoral scholarships programme.

His PhD thesis, “No masters, no crops: A long-term archaeological and satellite imagery study of forager societies in the Camarones Basin (Northern Chile), ca 3700 – 400 BP”, under the supervision of Dr Marisa Lazzari and Prof. Ioana Oltean, was a multitemporal and multiscale study integrating archaeological historical, ethnographic and geographic data to investigate the traces of subaltern indigenous groups in the Andean heights of northernmost Chile.

Before joining the Digital Humanities Lab at Exeter, Dr Oyaneder participated as a postdoctoral researcher working on remote sensing and spatial analysis for the projects carried out in North-western Argentina “Living Territories” and “Making Roads With Objects” led by Professor Marisa Lazzari.

Memberships of Societies and Professional Bodies:

Royal Geographical Society with IBG, UK
Society for Latin American Studies, UK
Sociedad Chilena de Arqueología, Chile
Colegio de Arqueólogas y Arqueólogos de Chile, Chile
Member of SIIVAC, Argentina
Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG)

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